The Best Apps for Tracking Your Mental HealthBy AlbertMarch 11, 2023 When people are struggling with mental health problems, they’re often faced with a challenge — doing something about it. However, there are a few different ways…
Continuous and Differentiable Real-Valued FunctionsBy AlbertApril 2, 2022 Loosely speaking, if the graph of a function fx has no jumps then fx is continuous function. A discontinuity is a jump in value. For instance…
FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS, EQUATIONS AND ROOTSBy AlbertApril 12, 2021 The value of a function of a single variable is written fx, where f is the function and x is the variable. We assume that both…
DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATIONBy AlbertMarch 12, 2021 The first derivative of a function at the point x is the slope of the tangent line at x. All linear functions have a constant derivative…